3 Day Diet

posted by : Jon Kroupa on 12/22/2011
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This is a special diet week because of Christmas weekend. It was a good place to put a diet that was designed for less than 6+ days.

The Diet:

Day 1


  • Black coffee or tea
  • 1/2 grapefruit or juice
  • 1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter


  • 1/2 cup tuna
  • 1 piece toast
  • Black coffee or tea


  • 3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 2


  • Black coffee or tea
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 piece toast


  • 1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
  • 8 regular saltine crackers


  • 2 beef franks
  • 1 cup broccoli or cabbage
  • 1/2 cup carrots
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 3


  • Black coffee or tea
  • 5 regular saltine crackers
  • 1 ounce cheddar cheese
  • 1 apple


  • Black coffee or tea
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 piece toast


  • 1 cup tuna
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 1 cup cauliflower
  • 1 cup melon
  • 1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

In addition to its strict daily food prescription, dieters drink 4 cups of water or noncaloric drinks daily.

I substituted fat-free (20 calories per 6 ounces) hot chocolate in place of coffee or tea, since I drink neither of those.

The Experience:

If you look at that diet, one thing you will immediately notice is there isn't much food. There isn't much in the way of calories either. Each day has about 750-1000 calories. That really isn't enough for a person who is more active than a coma patient.

Monday I started off strong, which is another way of saying hungry. I had a cup of hot chocolate in the morning, along with a class of orange juice (in place of grapefruit). Later in the morning I went and acquired some bread and other things and had two pieces of toast. At lunch time I had a can of tuna and another cup of hot chocolate. For dinner I had a can of green beans, a chicken breast, and an apple. Also on Monday I lifted weights and jogged quite vigorously on the treadmill.

That same evening I ate some milk chocolate chips instead of having ice cream. And I believe I had more than I should have (about 1/3 of a bag).

Tuesday I had a piece of toast and an egg on it before heading to work. At work I had my cup of hot chocolate. A little later in the morning I ate a banana. For lunch I had a can of tuna and ended up eating 16 saltine crackers. In the afternoon my knee started hurting, which meant I wasn't going to be practicing Aikido that night. When I realized that I finished the rest of the sleave of saltine crackers. I went home to have dinner, and that's when things really fell apart.

First I had chicken and green beans for dinner. Then I ate some more of the milk chocolate chips. Then a friend dropped off a little plate of Christmas snacks which was 50% butter and 50% sugar (I'm not aware of any other ingredients). I ended up eating that plate of "food." Then I had a couple of baloney and cheese sandwiches. Afterwards I decided to finish the bag of milk chocolate chips.

Wednesday I had hot chocolate in the morning, along with an entire sleave of saltine crackers. Throughout the morning I also had two apples, an orange, a grapefruit, and several bananas. For lunch I had some more saltine crackers. There was an ice-cream bar social at work that day as well. I had fat-free frozen vanilla yogurt with granola and banana on it. By the time dinner rolled around I was feeling pretty guilty (and heavy) so I had chicken breast and green beans. That was the last thing I ate Wednesday night. I also did a half-hearted attempt at exercise, but when you are injured it can take a lot of the spring out of your step. I did a little bit of weight lifting and 30 light minutes on the bicycle machine.

The Result:

I am not sure it is fair to say that I truely experienced this diet. There were a lot of slip ups. As of this morning I was 3 pounds heavier than I had been on Sunday. I blame Tuesday's debacle and a slow digestive track (I myself am not actually to blame). For some reason the resolve to diet this week just wasn't really there. I think my injury contributed to this. Knowing that I won't be able to exercise, and the general unhappiness with just being injured, takes a lot of the desire to work for something.

I lose my motivation when I get injured too. You, of course are not blame.

Elissa Butcher : Dec 22nd 2011, 20:37

[ Cottage Cheese Diet ]   [ Mostly Juice Diet ]   

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