Rice Diet

posted by : Jon Kroupa on 11/27/2011
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The Diet:

Eat 2 pieces of fruit for breakfast, a portion of rice and a fruit for lunch, and a portion of rice and a fruit for dinner.

Most rice diets on the web have you only do that the first day, with subsequent days adding additional food items. Because this was the week of Thanksgiving, I decided to stick with the ultra low calorie diet as long as I could.

The Experience:

Monday, Tuesday, and most of Wednesday I had nothing but brown or jasmine rice, and fruit. I estimate my calories were between 800-1000 each day.

Wednesday evening I went to dinner with family at a japanese restaraunt. I had a dish that was mostly rice, but also included pork, egg, and vegetables.

Thursday (which was Thanksgiving Day) I ate an apple and small orange. That is all I had until late in the afternoon when we had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I attempted to be conservative, I had no mashed potatoes, had the green bean things which I normally don't eat, and tried to keep my portions small. Later I evening I over-indulged on pie ( having a slice of banana cream, cherry cream, and several slices of apple).

Friday morning I decided to perform a 4 mile jog, and some calisthenics. That day I ate Fiber One bars and fruit, but in the evening we went back to my sister's for more pie. I was able to contain myself to 3 small pieces.

When I got home Friday evening I weighed myself (the first time since Wednesday morning) and was not too surprised to find myself 3 pounds heavier. I actually expected it to be more, but thought maybe the jogging had helped a little.

Saturday I had a few more Fiber One bars, but also some peanut butter sandwiches, and I had a rice filled burrito and yellow rice from Carl's Jr. That day I also helped a friend move for a couple of hours, including the moving of his 10,000lb piano. Without an exact scale it is hard to say for certain how heavy the piano is, but with just the two of us, it was at least that.

That afternoon I also went for a 7.75 mile jog. When I returned I was actually down in weight, but that is of course because I needed to rehydrate. It is a pity the body requires so much water to live, as it is nothing but dead weight.

The Result:

I gained .8 pounds this week, which is a miracle considering the gluttony. I attribute the containment to the last minute exercise.

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