Three Weeks Carb Free

posted by : Jon Kroupa on 07/01/2012
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Three weeks ago I decided I would give a low-carb diet an honest chance. In the past when I've done low-carb it was only for 6 days at a time, and I always made allowances. Whether that was semi-sweet chocolate chips or other things, I always had some sugars.

This time I went completely cold turkey on carbs, no allowances. The first few days I had bad headaches and extreme fatigue (as always). After the first week the headaches went away, and I wasn't as tired. I say as tired, because as a person who exercises 5-6 days a week, I was still exhausted a lot.

Incredibly after 10 or so days my cravings for carbs declined. I was able to look at amazing foods and not be tempted by them. There was one time in a dream where I ordered dessert at a restaurant and they brought me two large plates of bread pudding, but that was an isolated incident.

So I made it three weeks before going back to the gravy train. And what do I have to show for it? Nothing. I weigh the same as I did 3 weeks ago. My body fat percentage is the same. Other than gaining a little strength (through intense exercise).

At this point I don't see really see the advantage for me continuing to deprive myself of a happy life (a life with carbs) if I have nothing to show for it. I know some people say it may take as long as 2 months for your body to convert over to really getting the benefits of a low-carb diet. I think my track record shows that I'm more of a 6 days at a time kind of person.

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One reason to continue on low carb might be that you wouldn't crave the foods that make you gain weight and so you could maintain your weight loss.

Susan Kroupa : Jul 7th 2012, 13:15

You have a limit here to the length of posts? I was trying to write that It's entirely possible (I say after reading your compilation of diet posts) that you didn't lose weight because your metabolism is set low from all the extreme low calorie diets.

Susan Kroupa : Jul 7th 2012, 13:16

Seriously? You need to increase the capacity of the comment field. Whatever maintenance plan you try, you should make sure you get enough calories so your body doesn't go into starvation mode.

Susan Kroupa : Jul 7th 2012, 13:17

But--I really admire your discipline, to do all those different diets. Not many people could do that, especially if they were hungry most of the time.

Susan Kroupa : Jul 9th 2012, 08:02

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